Auckland Thoroughbred Racing (ATR) wishes to advise that throughout the StrathAyr track testing process at Ellerslie which included gallops, jumpouts and trials, ATR found that the penetrometer readings taken on each occasion did not provide an accurate guide as to how the track was performing.
In collating feedback from stakeholders, it is apparent that the readings are stating the track is much firmer than how it rides.
After discussing the matter with the team from StrathAyr, Chris Hay, Track Manager at Elwick Racecourse in Tasmania (a racecourse also in possession of a StrathAyr track) and New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing, it has been agreed that using penetrometer readings to determine the level of firmness of the Ellerslie track is a flawed process.
Therefore, for the foreseeable future, the Ellerslie track will be declared a Good 4 irrespective of rainfall. This track rating will be a more accurate guide for stakeholders including the wagering public.
ATR has every intention of continuing to publicise the Ellerslie track penetrometer readings once they are more reflective of how the track will perform.
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