Click on the video below to hear from Martin Neville, project manager at StrathAyr, who we caught up with in early June so he could give us a glimpse of the various layers before the team completed the sand profile.
Our project team provides a progress report on how things are shaping up.
In February this year, we sent out the third of our quarterly updates regarding our track upgrade project. The update included what had been completed since the September update. It is now time to check in and see what has been completed since February.
A look at how the Ellerslie track is shaping up.
1. What has been done since the last update?
Up until mid-June, the following has been completed:
The underpass construction is now 95% complete with fencing and landscaping works to be completed. The completion of the underpass is expected in early July
Anti-graffiti coating in the underpass has been completed
Pond earthworks are now complete with approximately 32,000m3 of earth removed which included 2,500m3 of hard basalt rock
Installation of the pond liner and the fencing of the pond has been completed
Lining of the new irrigation pond has taken place.
Main track earthworks have been completed (apart from the construction crossings)
Carpark and access road earthworks are now complete
70% of the carpark and access road pavement is now constructed with HEBs focused on sealing the pavements from the beginning of July
More than 4000m3 of basalt rock has been excavated and crushed offsite and imported back to be used as subbase for the carpark
99% of ambulance earthworks now complete
97% of main stormwater drainage complete
99% of kerbing in the carpark, access road and underpass complete
97% of services ducting (for power, CCTV, speaker, and other communications)
New signage boards have been installed
StrathAyr Track Profile
The mainline drainage has now been completed with the instalment of the final three catchment mainlines between the track and the pond.
Apart from the 60-metre construction crossings, subsoils drains have been installed around the track as well as the gravel laid.
All sand has now been delivered (35,000 ton)
The sand layer has been completed across 100% of the track
Mixing of the strathayr profile (sand/peat/mesh) is complete
In regard to the pond, the manifolds are installed ready to connect to the delivery lines with the installation of the pumps
Fencing is 75% complete with the remainder to be completed by the middle of July
StrathAyr is commencing the toping layer this week with the view to seeding the first section of the track in early July with the final section to be seeded two weeks after
2. What’s next to be completed?
Carpark and access road pavement construction
Ambulance track pavement construction
Underpass fencing and landscaping
Infield earthworks
Offsite rock removal
Landscaping around the pond
3. What’s gone well since the last update?
Ensuring the subsoil drainage and gravel layer is laid across the track apart from the construction crossings which ensures the track is now waterproofed – a significant milestone!
4. What challenges have been faced since the last update?
As expressed in previous editions, the main challenge has been wet weather with nearly all of Auckland’s annual average rainfall reached before the official start of winter (1 June) which thus includes the, traditionally, driest months in January and February.
COVID-19 and the resulting absences continue to be a resourcing challenge.
Stay tuned for our next update!